Tchumburidze, Lee



We cordially invite you to the first concert in the 57th artistic season of the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra on September 1 at 6:00 p.m. at the Adam Mickiewicz University Auditorium in Poznań. Can you imagine a better opening of the season than a combination of violin and piano? And with such soloists! Winner of the International Violin Competition. Henryk Wieniawski - Veriko Tchumburidze and finalist of the 18th International Piano Competition. Fryderyk Chopin - Hyuk Lee, are soloists who will perform alongside the Orchestra conducted by Anna Duczmal-Mróz. During this magical evening you will hear works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Concerto in D minor for violin, piano and string orchestra and Symphony No. 4 in C minor. Additionally, a piece by Belia Bartók - Divertimento - will be performed during the concert.


Date: September 1, 2024, Sunday

Time: 18:00

Place: Adam Mickiewicz University Hall, Poznań



Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Concerto in D minor for violin, piano and string orchestra

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Symphony No. 4 in C minor

Bela Bartók - Divertimento



Anna Duczmal Mróz - conductor

Veriko Tchumburidze - violin

Hyuk Lee - piano


Tickets price: PLN 60, PLN 50, PLN 40 (depending on place)